Traditional Mom in a Modern Day World

Hi there! I am so happy you have stopped by. I’ve created this blog in an effort to encourage and celebrate the role of traditional moms in this modern-day world. The world is changing and it’s not always for the best. Our children are growing in a world so much more different from the one we did. In merely a decade, technology has done a complete 180°! The world is modernizing and the traditional Christian home is not so common anymore.  But even so, we must not fear for we serve a God much greater than any challenge we might face.

“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25)

My prayer is that we may engage in encouragement with one another. We are all on this journey together. Let us build each other up and share stories, challenges and any advice the Lord has revealed to us. It is more than a privilege to be a mom, it is an honor!


Traditional Mom blogger,


Rosalinda Serna