Raising Jesus-followers in a Modern Day World

I’ve been noticing for a while now that my 9-year-old, Isaiah, has been forgetting to say grace before consuming his meal. This can only mean one thing to me, if he’s not saying grace at home then he’s probably not saying grace at school; where he consumes most of his weekly meals. So, after a few times of reminding him, I asked him about it. “Isaiah, are you forgetting to say grace at school?” His response was pure honesty. “Mom, none of the kids at school pray. They always ask me what I’m doing. I get embarrassed.” I sat there for a few seconds contemplating on how to respond. After all, he is only 9 years old. It’s my desire that my children be completely in love with their creator and to reflect that everywhere they go. Without shame. Without reservation.

 Isaiah has always been a child after God’s own heart. It’s his delight to honor God. Ever since he started school he has come home with all types of stories on how he would pray for his peers. “Mom, today I prayed for Adam because his tooth fell off and he wouldn’t stop bleeding. As soon as I was done praying the bleeding stopped.” “Mom, today I prayed for Joel because his dad is very sick in the hospital and he’s scared that his dad is going to die.” His faith never ceased to amaze me. At what point did he begin to feel embarrassed? How can I, as his mother, help him navigate through his emotions without hindering his faith. “Lord, give me words.” I secretly prayed. “Isaiah, it’s normal to not want to feel like an outcast; after all, it’s not always fun being different.” I said. “But, let me ask you this. How do you think God feels about you feeling too embarrassed to thank Him for what He’s given you?” “Well, He’s probably disappointed in me.” He responded. “Mijo, it’s an honor to be able to talk to God whenever we want. It brings God so much joy to hear your voice. God stops what He’s doing and asks all His angel to stay still. “LISTEN.” God says. “My son is calling My name. My son is thanking me!”” Isaiah’s eyes widen as a smile overtook his face.

Even at only 9 years old, Isaiah has already noticed the difference between his friends and himself. He is not allowed to play every video game his friends are allowed to play. He is not allowed to watch all the movies his friends are allowed to watch. He is not allowed to listen to all the music his friends listen to.  I am careful on what I let my children watch. I try to preserve and guard their innocence as best that I can. All I will be able to take with me to heaven is my children. Nothing else. Nothing less. Their salvation is what’s most important to me. As his parent, it is my Christian obligation to cultivate his faith. As I am learning to parent my children, I’ve come to the realization that one of my biggest challenges as a mom is raising Jesus-followers in this modern-day world. In a world where humanity thrives on self-pleasure. In a world where we have everything we can ever want at the click of a button. In a world where everything is immoralized. Every morning that my children leave to school, I bless them in the name of Jesus. I remind them that they are the light of the world and that they have been set apart to serve and honor God and lead others to Him. I end with this verse. “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)


Rosalinda Serna