Christ-Centered Marriage in a Modern-Day World.

Before I ever met my husband, I prayed for him. Before I ever envisioned him, I prayed for him. Before I ever knew what it was to be in love, I prayed for him. Marrying a man of God was fundamentally imperative to me. I understood, even at such a young age, the importance of having a husband who looked to God first in everything.

Undeniably, months before I was to meet my husband, God placed it in my husband’s heart to begin to pray for his future wife. My husband recalls seeing me for the first time and knowing with certainty that I was the one he was to marry. After observing my husband and the way that he prayed at the altar, God  began to reveal to me that he was the one that I was to marry. My love for God led me to my husband; just as his love for God led him to me. My husband is my best friend. He is a promise from God that I will have a friend forever.

After 14 years of marriage, prayer continues to be at the forefront of our relationship. God is whom leads us. Every decision made is made in respect to God’s will in our lives. In the most difficult of moments, and we’ve had our share, we have learned to trust God. Together, we strive to honor God and to raise a family who honors God. While we may not be perfect, we do serve a perfect God. It steadies my heart to know that my trust is not in my husband alone, but in that of the MOST HIGH GOD!

Mom Blogger, 


Rosalinda Serna

2 thoughts on “Christ-Centered Marriage in a Modern-Day World.”

  1. I have read 2 of your postings and so far so GOOD! May the Lord continue to use you and Bless your life in a special way. I have been Blessed ?

    1. Thank you Blanca… it brings me great joy that you are enjoying my blogs. I appreciate your kind words. Blessings.

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