Women of Virtue

As my children are growing, I have found myself noticing things that I had never truly noticed before.  Everywhere I look and everywhere I turn women are, subconsciously, being told that who they are is not enough. There is a massive propaganda going on and it is completely invested in decreasing a woman’s self-worth.  These magazines, commercials, billboard ads, Instagram photos, and Facebook posts; just to name a few, are constantly feeding into our minds that who we are and what we have is not enough. You see, if the world can decrease our self-worth, then they can, consequently,  decrease our value. Our children are growing up in a world driven by vanity, lust, perversion, and greed! It is constantly being conveyed to them that the mere value of a woman is found in her appearance. I am on a quest to teach my children what it truly means to be a woman! A woman of virtue! We shall not be denigrated. God’s intention for every woman’s life is that of royalty! To objectify a woman is a direct insult to her creator. His purpose is much greater!

       Strength and dignity are her clothing

       And she smiles at the future.

       She opens her mouth in wisdom,

      And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

      She looks well to the ways of her household,

      And does not eat the bread of idleness.

      Her children rise and bless her;

      Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:

     “Many daughters have done nobly,

      But you excel them all.”

      Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,

      But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

               (Proverbs 31:25-30)

It is important for us to take a step back and re-evaluate our lives. God saw our worth before this world ever even met us. Compare your wants and desires to the wants and desires of God for your life. His intention for our life is so much more than what the world asks of us. There is none like you. You, whose heart loves wholly. You, who works passionately. You, who gives utterly. Your worth is invaluable. Hollywood cannot sell it and money cannot buy it. The enhancement of yourself does not come from a bottle. Your beauty is not measured by size, age, color, clothes, or sex appeal. Your value is beyond price. Invest in yourself through prayer and seeking guidance from your creator.  It is vital to me that my little girl understands the true meaning of a woman. It is critical that my sons knows the true intention of God’s purpose for a woman. Let us work in unity to restore the definition of what it is to be beautiful. Let us be women of virtue. Let us inspire our girls to be women of virtue!


Rosalinda Serna