My Family’s Keeper

The Bible says that men are the head of the home. What a grand responsibility the Lord has given them.  Much in the same way that He’s given women by making us the keepers of our home.  We, women, have so much power in creating the ambiance. We set the tone. The world would describe this as, “If momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy.” So much truth can come from that saying.

By wisdom, a house is built,
    and by understanding it is established;
 by knowledge, the rooms are filled
    with all precious and pleasant riches.Proverbs 24: 3-4

We have been positioned by God as The Keepers of our homes. Keepers of peace, patience, grace, and love.  If we are emotional beings, how can we get to a state of mind that we can become disciplined enough to contain ourselves in moments of anger and frustration? We must change the way that we think, becoming prudent. I cannot allow my emotions to control me. I’ve recently begun to ask God to change the way I react to certain situations, to change the way that I think and align my way of thinking to His. Prayer is more than just a tool, it is the foundation of a Christian home. I find that the more time I spent with the Lord, the more at peace I am, and in-turn so is my home. It’s amazing to know and understand this power my creator has instilled in me. In the moments when I choose to practice grace over anger, I am able to see the amity it brings to my family.

I desire for my home to be a haven for my husband when he comes home from work. My patience and grace is my gift to him. Providing a place of peace for him is my way of honoring him, honoring the vows I made before God on our wedding day. When my husband comes home stressed and tired from the responsibility of being the provider of our home, I serve as a place of rest.  I know the power of my hand in his life. At night when he rests his head beside me, he asks me to pray over him. “Amorora por mi. Pray for me, Love.”, he says. I have the power, through Christ, to calm him when he is upset; to ease his worry. I am The Keeper of my home and nothing brings me greater joy.


Mom Blogger,


Rosalinda Serna




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