I’m a Carrier

A couple of weeks after I lost Iris (my 1st born), I was at my husband’s office working on a poem and remembrance frame for my little angel.  After everyone left for lunch and my husband left to a meeting, I became overwhelmed with pain and grief and consumed myself in tears. I turned off all the lights from the office and set the door sign to “CLOSED”. I remember sitting there in the back room with my arms folded on top of my desk and my head buried in them. I cried in agony, grief-stricken. Suddenly, I heard the front door open and I was confused because I knew I had locked it. I wiped off my tears but I didn’t have the strength to get up. My youngest sister had dropped by the office. I heard her call my name, but I ignored her. I just couldn’t bear anyone seeing me like that. She continued to make her way towards the back and so I whispered because that’s all I could muster, “I’m back here.” She came into the office and asked me what I was doing. I couldn’t respond. My heart was heavy. The room was dark, but I knew she could tell I had been crying. She sat across the desk from me and held my hands as I continued my crying.  I know she was crying right along with me. I know God had sent her to show me He was with me. I don’t know how long we sat there in the quiet, cold, dark room, but I do know her presence served to comfort me like no words could have. I could feel her pray over me. Silent prayers of comfort. She had brought Holy Spirit.

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. (2 Corinthians 2:14 ESV)

There isn’t always a need for a speech or fancy words. Sometimes our presence is enough. We speak Jesus everywhere we go, whether we say anything at all, or not. We are carriers of the Holy Spirit and His presence is prominent in us. It is marvelous to know our worth through Him. We bring comfort, joy, peace, and love without ever even opening our mouths. There will be times when Holy Spirit gives you the perfect words, and there will be times when they won’t be needed. We are carriers of the presence of God. We are the vessel He has chosen to use to reach this world. Your presence is more than enough. After all, you bring Jesus!

Mom Blogger,

Rosalinda Serna

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