Advice from a SAHM

I got a social media memory this morning that made me smile. “Starting off my day making breakfast with a baby on my hip and another one tagging along behind me.” I’ve had many of those popping up these past few months. I love that I have all those memories saved from when my children were babies. I love that I have made the sacrifice to stay home and be here for them during their formative years.

As your children grow, so does your disposition. There is different seasons as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). I just came out of one; the one where I had no time for myself because my baby, toddler, and kindergartner required all of me. That was a very beautiful and also challenging season for me. I have so many precious memories forever in graved in my mind of every sweet kiss and every tight hug, of every warm cuddle and every cute giggle. During this season, we took many trips to the park; we spent many afternoons visiting grandma. We worked on many crafts and watched tons of Disney movies.

As any SAHM can tell you, it is definitely difficult. It is made up of giving, giving, giving, and then giving some more.

If I can be candid with you who might be considering staying home with your little ones, there will be times when you struggle financially, emotionally, and physically, but I promise you there is no greater reward than to see your husband and children radiate joy when they speak of you.

If you choose to stay home to raise your kids, do it as best as humanly possible and let God do the rest. Wake up early to send your family off well prepared for the day. Keep as tidy as possible to receive your family as best as you can. Plan out your day wisely. Your time is precious. Don’t give in to wasteful and mindless things. I choose not to turn on my TV or take naps during the day. I plan out my day early in the morning. I make sure to schedule in my breaks, errands, and any appointments or school assemblies. There will be some off days, but try to not make it a habit.

Take care of yourself. It’s easy to get into a rut. Your days seem so long, and there is always too much to do. Take time to do your hair in the morning, just like you would if you were heading out to a regular job. Get dressed in casual, but presentable clothing. Educate yourself by reading books, listening to podcast, or my favorite listening to preachings on YouTube. Make sure you are always growing as a person, as a mom, as a wife, as a leader. Nourish your mind, spirit, and body. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it, and its also okay to take a day off every now and again. Make plans with friends occasionally. I love planning business lunch meetings with my husband. I get to spend time with him in the middle of a busy week!

I am currently in another season. My kids are all school aged and I have some alone time to work more on me and my goals.  I have used this time to self-publish 3 children’s book. This was time-consuming and has been well worth it. I do book-readings at local churches. I’m very excited to see what else God has instore for me.  I also still  do bookkeeping for my husband’s business. I love that I get to have the best of both worlds. I still get to go to all of my kid’s assemblies. I still get to be the one to pick them up after school. I still have the privilege to have the time to hear all about their day.

If you are a SAHM and have a little extra time now that your kids are school-aged, look inside yourself. God has deposited precious gifts and talents into you. There will be times when you don’t fill the sense of fulfillment that having a job can bring. I have been there. I have prayed and ask God to help me find something I love to do that wouldn’t take too much time away from my family. I learned as I made up stories for my kids at bed-time how this was one of my gift I could use. A lot of SAHM I know have chosen to work from home. I know some that make bows or crafts or sell jewelry or pastries. Some make shirts or sew baby outfits to sell online. I have a fantastic niece who does photography and another who babysits. (You-tube is an incredible source that you can use to expand your knowledge and gain skill for your talent.)

It’s been ten years since I last worked for someone else. There have been times when I’ve allowed people outside of my family to undermine me and make me feel lesser than, but I know without a doubt that the sacrifice I have made to stay home has rewarded me with a loving home. I truly believe my family is better for it.

Lastly, being a SAHM is not for everyone. I know many fierce working moms, and they inspire me in many different ways. Choose what works best for you and your family, and be kind to those that choose differently than you.

Traditional Mom,

Rosalinda Serna