Sidewalk Tells All

I went to check the mailbox this morning, and as I looked up from the pile of envelopes in my hand, I smiled as I saw a driveway filled with proof of the little people in my house. Drawings up and down the sidewalk. Beautiful outlines of sweet tiny bodies all over the pavement with added wings and crazy hair for silliness. Amid all this art, I found the perfect scripture.

I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

My kids, just like much of the country, are home right now. The schools have been closed, and they are currently doing all their learning from home. I know they are missing their friends and teachers. They are not able to go to church or hug their grandparents. They are in the middle of a country and a world going through a crisis, and I’m confident that we will see brighter days. However, these days get to shine too. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow to smile. Today is just as beautiful and just as big a blessing as yesterday was. “All things through Christ” applies to quarantine also. It means being able to laugh in the midst of adversity.

We shall get through this.

I am praying for our world, our country, our leaders. I pray that God heals our land, but most of all that through this process, we find our confidence and strength in the Lord.

Dear Isabella,

Sweet girl, my prayer for you is that you remain kind and gracious and that you always remember that our confidence is found in Christ. I hope you know how exceptional and unique you are. God has placed in you amazing qualities and abilities, and many have begun to unfold, but there is still so much more to be made manifest! You can be anything and do anything with your life. Nevertheless, you must remain humble and faithful to whom God has created you to be.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)

You are, indeed one of my greatest gifts.  As I watch you grow, I am joyful to see how precious and kind you are. Sometimes I look at you and see myself as a little girl. I remember picking you up from Pre-K a few years ago and learning that you had given away your package of school pictures to your classmate.  Your little friend had been crying because her mom had not purchased hers and in your kind-hearted giving nature, you thought it so simple to give her yours. I shared that story with my momma, and she instantly reminded me of the time I came home with torn shoes. I had switched shoes with a little girl in my class because her mom couldn’t afford to buy her new ones.

When God formed us, He instilled precious gifts and talents to be used in our time living on this Earth. Reach into your highest potential. Go after your wildest dream. Be inspired by those around you. Do not feel threatened by anyone else’s light. Do not feel intimidated by the success of those around you. Be inspired. Learn from those around you. Accept correction. We are not in competition with one another. Someone else’s light does not cause our light to dim. No, not at all. Don’t be afraid to stand next to greatness, be encouraged, and see how it only magnifies your light.

It is imperative for you to understand that your beauty goes deeper than the shell in which you reside. There are layers to you that will uncover as the years pass. Celebrate the beauty that God gave you, but know that it is more profound than the dimple on your cheek and warmer than the color of your skin. Take notice of your inner beauty. Work, grow and celebrate your inner self much more than anything else. It is that which will contribute most to those around you. May your heart always remain pure and bright.

Always seek Jesus for guidance. He is never changing and never failing.

Love always,


Advice from a SAHM

I got a social media memory this morning that made me smile. “Starting off my day making breakfast with a baby on my hip and another one tagging along behind me.” I’ve had many of those popping up these past few months. I love that I have all those memories saved from when my children were babies. I love that I have made the sacrifice to stay home and be here for them during their formative years.

As your children grow, so does your disposition. There is different seasons as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). I just came out of one; the one where I had no time for myself because my baby, toddler, and kindergartner required all of me. That was a very beautiful and also challenging season for me. I have so many precious memories forever in graved in my mind of every sweet kiss and every tight hug, of every warm cuddle and every cute giggle. During this season, we took many trips to the park; we spent many afternoons visiting grandma. We worked on many crafts and watched tons of Disney movies.

As any SAHM can tell you, it is definitely difficult. It is made up of giving, giving, giving, and then giving some more.

If I can be candid with you who might be considering staying home with your little ones, there will be times when you struggle financially, emotionally, and physically, but I promise you there is no greater reward than to see your husband and children radiate joy when they speak of you.

If you choose to stay home to raise your kids, do it as best as humanly possible and let God do the rest. Wake up early to send your family off well prepared for the day. Keep as tidy as possible to receive your family as best as you can. Plan out your day wisely. Your time is precious. Don’t give in to wasteful and mindless things. I choose not to turn on my TV or take naps during the day. I plan out my day early in the morning. I make sure to schedule in my breaks, errands, and any appointments or school assemblies. There will be some off days, but try to not make it a habit.

Take care of yourself. It’s easy to get into a rut. Your days seem so long, and there is always too much to do. Take time to do your hair in the morning, just like you would if you were heading out to a regular job. Get dressed in casual, but presentable clothing. Educate yourself by reading books, listening to podcast, or my favorite listening to preachings on YouTube. Make sure you are always growing as a person, as a mom, as a wife, as a leader. Nourish your mind, spirit, and body. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it, and its also okay to take a day off every now and again. Make plans with friends occasionally. I love planning business lunch meetings with my husband. I get to spend time with him in the middle of a busy week!

I am currently in another season. My kids are all school aged and I have some alone time to work more on me and my goals.  I have used this time to self-publish 3 children’s book. This was time-consuming and has been well worth it. I do book-readings at local churches. I’m very excited to see what else God has instore for me.  I also still  do bookkeeping for my husband’s business. I love that I get to have the best of both worlds. I still get to go to all of my kid’s assemblies. I still get to be the one to pick them up after school. I still have the privilege to have the time to hear all about their day.

If you are a SAHM and have a little extra time now that your kids are school-aged, look inside yourself. God has deposited precious gifts and talents into you. There will be times when you don’t fill the sense of fulfillment that having a job can bring. I have been there. I have prayed and ask God to help me find something I love to do that wouldn’t take too much time away from my family. I learned as I made up stories for my kids at bed-time how this was one of my gift I could use. A lot of SAHM I know have chosen to work from home. I know some that make bows or crafts or sell jewelry or pastries. Some make shirts or sew baby outfits to sell online. I have a fantastic niece who does photography and another who babysits. (You-tube is an incredible source that you can use to expand your knowledge and gain skill for your talent.)

It’s been ten years since I last worked for someone else. There have been times when I’ve allowed people outside of my family to undermine me and make me feel lesser than, but I know without a doubt that the sacrifice I have made to stay home has rewarded me with a loving home. I truly believe my family is better for it.

Lastly, being a SAHM is not for everyone. I know many fierce working moms, and they inspire me in many different ways. Choose what works best for you and your family, and be kind to those that choose differently than you.

Traditional Mom,

Rosalinda Serna

Dear Iris,

A few weeks ago someone talked to me about you. It completely caught me off guard. “You have 4 kids, right? Or you would have 4 with your baby girl. She was so beautiful with snow-white skin and dark black hair. Oh, and those chubby, bright  red little cheeks.” She said it with such joy, without so much as a flinch. I was glad I was wearing my sunglasses because they served to cover my eyes filled with tears. I must admit, I was almost too afraid to blink in fear they’d escape. My tears were not of sorrow, nor of pain. No, they were much more beautiful than that. They were tears of joy. Someone else still remembers you.  I’m not used to people mentioning you. Not many people do. I suppose people don’t really know what to say regarding you. I’ll sometimes bring you up in conversation, although I’ve learned not to. It makes them uncomfortable. We went on to talk about you for a bit.

I mentioned how much my sweet little surprise, your baby brother, Josiah, is the one whom most resembles you. Sometimes, when he sleeps I stare at him, and if I stare at him long enough I can almost catch a glimpse of what you would look like at age 5.

Your little sister, Isabella, thinks of you often. It’s interesting on how someone who never met you can love you so much. She wishes we could have kept you, but I always remind her God’s ways are higher. She knows you rest in the arms our Savior. Daddy asked for us to give her your middle name. She was so amazed the day she realized you two had that in common! Jizelle.

I remember how after I’d lost you I felt this overwhelming restlessness to fill my arms with your tiny, chubby little body. I was so desperate for you. I was ready for a baby. I was a mom without a baby to nurture and care for. I thank God for sending me the sweetest little baby boy, Isaiah. I kinda feel like you hand-picked him just for us. He was the perfect little baby and is the most caring little person I’ve ever met. He, too, loves you and thinks of you often.

I know you are well. If I chose to write you this letter it is simply to say I love you. I have not forgotten you. I think about you all of the time. I wish for you all of the time. I miss you all of the time. I am forever grateful to God for gracing me with your life, even if it was for just a moment. You taught me so much more than anyone could ever teach me. God used you to teach me how to love. Love deeply, full-heartedly, and selflessly.


With so much love,


Man of My Dreams

Dear Man of my Dreams,

I think of you many times throughout the day. Sometimes to admirer you, other times because I miss you in that single moment, often times to complain about how you have not taken out the trash. The truth is, I love you more than words alone can express. I know, cliché. I’ve shared so much with you. I was only a girl when I met you. Your love for me is what drew me in. Yes, you were kind, sweet, funny, handsome, but most of all, the love that I saw in your eyes is what confirmed to me that you were… The One.

I found the one my heart loves.                 (Song of Solomon 3:4)

I love the way you love me. I love how patient you are with me. I love how you never yell at me, but instead lecture me when you are frustrated. I love the way you love our little ones, and never need alone time from us. I love how much you love Jesus, and how much I see you strive to be just like Him. I love the way you come quickly to my side when I am sad or mad or upset or happy or excited.  You are my person. You know, the one I can go to for everything. The one I can count on to always be there.

I see you. I see your struggles. I pray for you. I know you fight daily to do what is right, to provide, to rise above your fears and anxieties.  I am proud to be your wife. I am blessed to lay beside you at night when it is time to rest, stand beside you when it is time to fight, and walk alongside you on this lifelong journey. You are not just the man of my dreams, you are the man of my life.


Love your beautiful wife and forever best friend,


Rosalinda Serna


Glorious Wings

Lily the Caterpillar, is anxiously awaiting her wings. Soon, she is one of the only caterpillars left in 1st grade. Waiting is difficult, but it’s our attitude while waiting that makes all the difference.

Click link below to order your copy, today! Thank you so much for all of your support!

I’m a Carrier

A couple of weeks after I lost Iris (my 1st born), I was at my husband’s office working on a poem and remembrance frame for my little angel.  After everyone left for lunch and my husband left to a meeting, I became overwhelmed with pain and grief and consumed myself in tears. I turned off all the lights from the office and set the door sign to “CLOSED”. I remember sitting there in the back room with my arms folded on top of my desk and my head buried in them. I cried in agony, grief-stricken. Suddenly, I heard the front door open and I was confused because I knew I had locked it. I wiped off my tears but I didn’t have the strength to get up. My youngest sister had dropped by the office. I heard her call my name, but I ignored her. I just couldn’t bear anyone seeing me like that. She continued to make her way towards the back and so I whispered because that’s all I could muster, “I’m back here.” She came into the office and asked me what I was doing. I couldn’t respond. My heart was heavy. The room was dark, but I knew she could tell I had been crying. She sat across the desk from me and held my hands as I continued my crying.  I know she was crying right along with me. I know God had sent her to show me He was with me. I don’t know how long we sat there in the quiet, cold, dark room, but I do know her presence served to comfort me like no words could have. I could feel her pray over me. Silent prayers of comfort. She had brought Holy Spirit.

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. (2 Corinthians 2:14 ESV)

There isn’t always a need for a speech or fancy words. Sometimes our presence is enough. We speak Jesus everywhere we go, whether we say anything at all, or not. We are carriers of the Holy Spirit and His presence is prominent in us. It is marvelous to know our worth through Him. We bring comfort, joy, peace, and love without ever even opening our mouths. There will be times when Holy Spirit gives you the perfect words, and there will be times when they won’t be needed. We are carriers of the presence of God. We are the vessel He has chosen to use to reach this world. Your presence is more than enough. After all, you bring Jesus!

Mom Blogger,

Rosalinda Serna

Who Goes Before Me

I’m currently at a crossroad  in my life. My youngest will be starting Pre-Kinder next week and so I will be finding myself with some time to myself. I’ve been a stay at home mom for the past ten years. While I’ve kept busy managing the finances of my husband’s architectural business and doing my writing, most of my time has been spent devoted to my family. It will definitely be nice to have a quiet house being that it’s been so loud and busy having all three of my kids home this summer.

I’m sure most SAHM wonder at times if the sacrifice they make daily to stay home is enough. Only we know how much we do and how much we give of ourselves. Staying at home with little ones is selfless. Now that all of my kids will be in school I feel I can finally do something for myself. I’ve begun working on a children’s book, which I hope to publish by the end of this year. I am also considering going back to school, but I’m largely considering starting on my career path. It all seems so unusual to me and the possibilities for my future are endless. A few days ago, I knelt down and talked to Jesus for a while. I needed him to steady my heart. “Lord, you go before me. You direct my path. I submit to your desire. Let me only take steps in the direction that lead me to you.”  I’ve started the process of looking for a job. I was a little nervous at first, but I keep reminding myself who goes before me. Whatever door He closes is a part of His plan. Whatever door He opens is a part of His plan.

I recently went to my very first interview and part of me was nervous. My insecurities were getting the best of me. “Am I good enough? Do I really have anything to offer? But I haven’t had an 8 to 5 in over a decade.” I took control of my thoughts, “Who goes before you? Who is paving your path? Just put one foot in front of the other. You are a daughter of the Most High. You are a carrier of Holy Spirit. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.” I don’t know yet if the job is mine, but I do know one thing for sure, I did my absolute best. I rocked that interview! I’m sure I left more than just a good impression on the panel of 8 who interviewed me. I have the skills to do the job, but I possess much more than just skills. I am filled with the power of the Holy Ghost and that is something more valuable than any man can offer. You can train people to have the skills required for a job, but to train someone on attitude and behavior is much more difficult.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; against such things, there is no law.

(Galatians 5:22-23 English Standard Version)


I can’t fully see the road ahead of me, but I have a clear view of the one paving it for me. My confidence is found in Him. May you be reminded of who goes before you. You belong to the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Do not sell yourself short. Walk straight in the path prepared for you. If you are under the will of God, He will lead you exactly where you need to be. Do not be discouraged. Continue. God goes before you.




Mom blogger,



Rosalinda Serna

My Family’s Keeper

The Bible says that men are the head of the home. What a grand responsibility the Lord has given them.  Much in the same way that He’s given women by making us the keepers of our home.  We, women, have so much power in creating the ambiance. We set the tone. The world would describe this as, “If momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy.” So much truth can come from that saying.

By wisdom, a house is built,
    and by understanding it is established;
 by knowledge, the rooms are filled
    with all precious and pleasant riches.Proverbs 24: 3-4

We have been positioned by God as The Keepers of our homes. Keepers of peace, patience, grace, and love.  If we are emotional beings, how can we get to a state of mind that we can become disciplined enough to contain ourselves in moments of anger and frustration? We must change the way that we think, becoming prudent. I cannot allow my emotions to control me. I’ve recently begun to ask God to change the way I react to certain situations, to change the way that I think and align my way of thinking to His. Prayer is more than just a tool, it is the foundation of a Christian home. I find that the more time I spent with the Lord, the more at peace I am, and in-turn so is my home. It’s amazing to know and understand this power my creator has instilled in me. In the moments when I choose to practice grace over anger, I am able to see the amity it brings to my family.

I desire for my home to be a haven for my husband when he comes home from work. My patience and grace is my gift to him. Providing a place of peace for him is my way of honoring him, honoring the vows I made before God on our wedding day. When my husband comes home stressed and tired from the responsibility of being the provider of our home, I serve as a place of rest.  I know the power of my hand in his life. At night when he rests his head beside me, he asks me to pray over him. “Amorora por mi. Pray for me, Love.”, he says. I have the power, through Christ, to calm him when he is upset; to ease his worry. I am The Keeper of my home and nothing brings me greater joy.


Mom Blogger,


Rosalinda Serna