Sidewalk Tells All

I went to check the mailbox this morning, and as I looked up from the pile of envelopes in my hand, I smiled as I saw a driveway filled with proof of the little people in my house. Drawings up and down the sidewalk. Beautiful outlines of sweet tiny bodies all over the pavement with added wings and crazy hair for silliness. Amid all this art, I found the perfect scripture.

I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

My kids, just like much of the country, are home right now. The schools have been closed, and they are currently doing all their learning from home. I know they are missing their friends and teachers. They are not able to go to church or hug their grandparents. They are in the middle of a country and a world going through a crisis, and I’m confident that we will see brighter days. However, these days get to shine too. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow to smile. Today is just as beautiful and just as big a blessing as yesterday was. “All things through Christ” applies to quarantine also. It means being able to laugh in the midst of adversity.

We shall get through this.

I am praying for our world, our country, our leaders. I pray that God heals our land, but most of all that through this process, we find our confidence and strength in the Lord.

Dear Isabella,

Sweet girl, my prayer for you is that you remain kind and gracious and that you always remember that our confidence is found in Christ. I hope you know how exceptional and unique you are. God has placed in you amazing qualities and abilities, and many have begun to unfold, but there is still so much more to be made manifest! You can be anything and do anything with your life. Nevertheless, you must remain humble and faithful to whom God has created you to be.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)

You are, indeed one of my greatest gifts.  As I watch you grow, I am joyful to see how precious and kind you are. Sometimes I look at you and see myself as a little girl. I remember picking you up from Pre-K a few years ago and learning that you had given away your package of school pictures to your classmate.  Your little friend had been crying because her mom had not purchased hers and in your kind-hearted giving nature, you thought it so simple to give her yours. I shared that story with my momma, and she instantly reminded me of the time I came home with torn shoes. I had switched shoes with a little girl in my class because her mom couldn’t afford to buy her new ones.

When God formed us, He instilled precious gifts and talents to be used in our time living on this Earth. Reach into your highest potential. Go after your wildest dream. Be inspired by those around you. Do not feel threatened by anyone else’s light. Do not feel intimidated by the success of those around you. Be inspired. Learn from those around you. Accept correction. We are not in competition with one another. Someone else’s light does not cause our light to dim. No, not at all. Don’t be afraid to stand next to greatness, be encouraged, and see how it only magnifies your light.

It is imperative for you to understand that your beauty goes deeper than the shell in which you reside. There are layers to you that will uncover as the years pass. Celebrate the beauty that God gave you, but know that it is more profound than the dimple on your cheek and warmer than the color of your skin. Take notice of your inner beauty. Work, grow and celebrate your inner self much more than anything else. It is that which will contribute most to those around you. May your heart always remain pure and bright.

Always seek Jesus for guidance. He is never changing and never failing.

Love always,
