SAHM in a Modern Day World

It’s interesting how much things have changed from the time my mom was raising me to now that I am raising my own kids. My mom was a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) and I have chosen to be one as well. The trouble is, it feels as if I’m the only one out there in this vast world. Most of the moms my age seem to be out in the work field making a name for themselves. I’ve chosen to stay home and raise my children in a time where a woman is actually running to become President of the United States of America!

Anytime I’m asked what I do for a living, I get this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach because I know what is to follow.  I am made to feel shamed for choosing to stay home and raise my family. I haven’t fully come to understand why other women seem to be offended by my choice. As soon as I respond that I do not work outside of my house, I feel looked down upon. “Oh, I could never do that!” they say. There’s also the fake, but oh so sugar-coated, “Lucky you. It must be nice sleeping in.” As if SAHM actually get to sleep in.

Moms don’t really stay home anymore. Moms are now working just as many hours and bringing just as much money as their spouse is. I’ve chosen to be a SAHM to my 3 beautiful kids because that’s what brings me the most joy in life. I have a 3-year-old who is home with me all day, and a 5 and 9-year-old who go to school full day. I love being able to be available to my family at all times. I love that I have nothing else that occupies most of my day. Every family is unique, every family is different, and every family is beautiful. For me, staying home to raise my kids has been the best decision I’ve ever made! I’ve gotten to watch my kids grow. I’ve been the one to hear their first word. I’ve been the one to watch them take their first step. I’ve been the one who has kissed every “owie”. I feel honored and privileged to have been given such precious gifts. I owe it to them, to my husband, and to myself to be the best possible mom that I can be.

So no, I do not receive a paycheck with my name on it at the end of the week. No, I do not have my own corner office with a fancy name plaque sitting on my desk. No, no one calls me boss. I’m sure that if I really wanted all of that I could obtain it. For me, and where I am right now in life, raising my kids is what fulfills me. There will be a day when they will not need me as much anymore. When that day comes, I will be happy to be out creating a new title for myself, but as for now, Mom is best title I could ever have! I give daily, just as much as any working mom out there! I sacrifice daily, just as much as any working mom out there! We are not in competition with one another. We all love the same. We all work the same. We all give the same. We just do it differently. So don’t look down on me for parenting differently. We all rock! Let us all work together to bring up our children to become loving, kind, respectful, and independent young adults. We owe it to them, to this world, and to us. We are all on this journey together.


Rosalinda Serna